Local Pages
Create and edit websites for you stores with a similar design.
Local Pages
Create and edit websites for you stores with a similar design.
Help prospects to find the website of the nearest store.
What your prospects are looking for is what they can find in the store closest to them.
A local page is a website about the store and optimized to bring the page up in the top Google search results among people living around its area.
Help prospects to find the website of the nearest store.
What your prospects are looking for is what they can find in the store closest to them.
A local page is a website about the store and optimized to bring the page up in the top Google search results among people living around its area.
How does it work ?
Start from a website common to all points of sale, customize the url (ex: votre-enseigne.toulon.fr) and the content for each : photos, address, hours, phone number, current promotions, events, products
How does it work ?
Start from a website common to all points of sale, customize the url (ex: votre-enseigne.toulon.fr) and the content for each : photos, address, hours, phone number, current promotions, events, products
Local landing Pages
Responsive Design
Personalised Brand Guidelines
Adjustable template
Photos, Videos, Descriptions, Products, Services, Offers, Services, News, Promotions, Events
Lead generation modules
Optimized local SEO (Google Friendly)
Page administration interface
Local landing Pages
Responsive Design
Personalised Brand Guidelines
Adjustable template
Photos, Videos, Descriptions, Products, Services, Offers, Services, News, Promotions, Events
Lead generation modules
Optimized local SEO (Google Friendly)
Page administration interface
Brand owner ?
Highlight your distributors and the products of your brand available at their point of sale!
Consult our Weber Saint-Gobain customer case study
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