Multi-local advertising

Simplify set up and execution of thousands of custom local campaigns.

Multi-local advertising

Simplify set up and execution of thousands of custom local campaigns.


Automate local campaign execution by geographic location

For a network, an advertising campaign that transforms a prospect into a customer is a local campaign.

A local campaign is an advertising campaign whose message relates to a store (its events, its own promotions…) spread in its geographic zone, to people living around

Automate local campaign execution by geographic location


For a network, an advertising campaign that transforms a prospect into a customer is a local campaign.

A local campaign is an advertising campaign whose message relates to a store (its events, its own promotions…) spread in its geographic zone, to people living around.

Advertising strategy

Start with advertising campaign packaged by a Strategy Director with you to make marketing easier to understand for people in stores. They just have to activate, pay, and track their campaigns according to their business needs.


Once triggered, the advertising messages are automatically customized for each point of sale (local promotions, local events, opening hours, store name, photos, weather, etc.) and displayed online in their geographic area.

Follow up & Support

Get statistics for your global network. Each business location can also track its performance by campaign and by media.



Ensure national and local advertising consistency

Let a national advertising message coexist with advertising messages that precisely concern each store in line with your communication guidelines.


Develop your national reputation

Build national awareness by using local promotion strategies.


Attract customers close from your points of sale

Use proximity news as argument to target buyers, thanks to communication messages customization for each store (targeted area, local promotions, schedules, store name, photos,...).


Maximize the profitability of each store's advertisements

Set different budgets and advertising channels (Google, Facebook, Waze, Snapchat...) allocated to each business, according to their efficiency or local characteristics.



Ensure national and local advertising consistency

Let a national advertising message coexist with advertising messages that precisely concern each store in line with your communication guidelines.


Develop your national reputation

Build national awareness by using local promotion strategies.


Attract customers close from your points of sale

Use proximity news as argument to target buyers, thanks to communication messages customization for each store (targeted area, local promotions, schedules, store name, photos,...).


Maximize the profitability of each store's advertisements

Set different budgets and advertising channels (Google, Facebook, Waze, Snapchat...) allocated to each business, according to their efficiency or local characteristics.

Les fonctionnalités de la WebApp

Advertising automation


    Marketing Objectives


    Geographic area

    Broadcast schedule


    Key-words purchase


Automatisation des reporting statistiques

    POS Reporting

   Campaign reporting

   Reporting by media


    Date reporting delay

Droits d'achat et d'administration

    Choix du paramétrage du catalogue de campagne
    Consultation du catalogue de publicités
    Achat des publicités pour son établissement
    Achat des publicités pour autrui
    Co-financement de campagnes
    Consulter ses statistiques de campagnes
    Consulter les statistiques d’autres membres du réseau
    Télécharger ses rapports
    Consulter et télécharger ses factures
    Ajout d’un membre
    Suppression d’un membre
    Création de groupe
    Gestion des notifications et alertes

The Webapp



    Instructive / Pedagogical

    In your image (grey mark)

    User & access rights management

Network Animation


    Notification on upcoming campaigns

    Notification on past campaigns

    Competition between points of sale

What is a progressive WebApp ?

Visiretail is a progressive WebApp. Progressive Web apps are destined to be the web of tomorrow. They take advantage of the progress made by web browsers to offer the same experience on mobile and desktop. A real alternative to mobile and applications, they combine web technologies and new features offered by mobile devices. Supported and pushed by Google,PWA compatibility has accelerated and promises great prospects for the years to come.

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