Presence Management

Attract new customers with up-to-date store profiles online.

Presence Management

Attract new customers with up-to-date store profiles online.


Why is it important to reference your points of sale online?

Every day, people search online to find an store close to their home: restaurant, bar, bakery, dealer, sports center… so that one out of two searches is a local search.

To do this, they go on Google without necessarily entering the name of your business, but a category of activity. It is therefore essential to have up-to-date information (schedules, logos, notices, etc.) to make your customers want to visit you and not your nearest competitor.

Why is it important to reference your points of sale online?


Every day, French people are looking for a place to eat, drink, shop, bakery, sports center, etc. so thatone out of every two google searches is a local search.


Online, people are looking for you without necessarily entering the name of your brand, but rather a category of activity. It is therefore essential to have up-to-date information (schedules, logos, notices, etc.) to make your customers want to visit you and not your nearest competitor.

Attract customers close to your points of sale

With an up-to-date digital storefront: schedules, photos, website address…


We create and retrieve for your business network Google My Business and Facebook pages.


Attract customers close to your points of sale


With an up-to-date digital storefront: schedules, photos, website address…

We create and retrieve for your business network Google My Business and Facebook pages.


Stay up to date by managing from 1 point all of your local store profiles

Modify the information of your establishments (schedules, photos, promotions…) on your Visiretail space as many times as you wish, for all or part of them.
We automatically distribute this information on Google My Business and Facebook so that it is up to date on these platforms.

Stay up to date by managing from 1 point all of your local store profiles.


Modify the information of your establishments (schedules, photos, promotions…) on your Visiretail space as many times as you wish, for all or part of them.

We automatically distribute this information on Google My Business and Facebook so that it is up to date on these platforms.


Control your image

Your files are better referenced and more attractive.
You don’t have control over the ownership of your point of sale cards that are already online? We are here for that.


Control your image


Your files are better referenced and more attractive.
You don’t have control over the ownership of your point of sale cards that are already online? We are here for that.

Brand owner ?

Become the privileged partner of your distributors by helping them to get the intentionists in their store catchment areas.
Give them access to a tool that centralizes the management of their information and a team of experts available.
Take advantage of the traffic in their point of sale obtained thanks to up-to-date data.
Tell your customers on your site in which points of sale to find your products.

Request a demo

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